If you just graduated or have experience and aren’t getting the career you want, Job Propulsion Lab customized training is the answer.
We revolutionized the teaching model. Learn career skills and build a great portfolio in months rather than years.
“By re-engineering the academic model, Job Propulsion Lab helped me master skills needed to kickstart my career in only six months.”
How is JPL Different than college and ad schools?
Built around your life
JPL is designed for people who can’t put life on hold. You do the program where you live, scheduled around your life. Don’t quit your job and uproot your life. We have trained people around the world.
One-on-one training – by business pros
Instead of classrooms, you learn with a personal coach and mentors who help you step by step. Honest and helpful input improves your work to the highest level of craft at an accelerated pace.
Portfolio to the job – fast
Our method accelerates two years of learning into six months. We blueprint a program to your unique needs. Your training is customized to make you the ideal candidate for companies that interest you. Does it work? 96% of JPL grads get their first job within a few months of completing the training.
90% cheaper than traditional education
Because of overhead and a slow academic approach, traditional ad schools are expensive. We stripped everything except what you need most; one-on-one instruction by pros and guidance on finding a job sets your career on a path to success. Less time costs less. It’s not rocket science (no pun intended).
“I went from waiting tables to copywriting at agencies like Goodby and Chiat/Day in less than a year. JPL taught me how to create, write, and believe in myself. I did it, so can you.”
JPL protégés tell about their journey through the program to launching careers in advertising.